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​  Conscience is the Answer

The Way of the human being


Buddha or Sage is nothing but a ‘spokesperson of Conscience’ for all humanity.

Wherever you are, if you are echoing Conscience to the best of your ability at the very moment, you already are a Buddha and a sage.

No matter how fleeting the moment was, you lived the very moment as a sage.

How to heal myself and our society


What we can learn from history is that the world would have no future

unless humans recover Spiritual intelligence.  

Those with high levels of SQ can put aside their name and everything related thereto

and remain as pure, untainted I.

Only then, they can follow and act on their Conscience.

What is justice? (The Trolley Dilemma)

When faced with an inevitable situation in which you have to do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you, you can do nothing but work your way to choose what is less disturbing.

The art of human interactions

Human beings are programmed so that we can’t help but affect one another.
So we are left with the choice between making a positive impact on others and making a negative impact on others. Thus, ‘Managing with Conscience’ is a necessity in any human interaction and is also the answer for living your life well.

The Kingdom of Philosophy, Chosun Dynasty


It is only right for each country to share what they were good at in order to improve the world.
It is not the right thing to keep on criticizing the faults of each country. Doing so does not serve anybody.
The scholars in Chosun Dynasty studied ‘logos’, which is the same as ‘principles’. And the bottom line is the Four Virtues: Love, Justice, Harmony and Wisdom.

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